Permeation Measuring Cell NW50

With different film holders for liquid test chemicals and gaseous or liquid collection media.

Permeation measuring cell NW50 in accordance with EN 16523-1 (replaces EN 374-3) for testing PPE films (safety gloves, safety clothing) in relation to the permeability of liquid test substances and gaseous collection media. The permeation measuring cell NW50 is not double-walled (= without tempering jacket!) and is used in the Qumat® Q401-HR and PERMOBIL.

Permeationszelle NW50 komplett

The Permeations measuring cell NW50 made out of glass, complete in support with three support feet and PTFE holder (for films < 0.2 mm) NW50 incl. silicone FEP-coated O-ring seals (2 × 56 mm + 1 × 62 mm)

Item No.: 250-0088978

Individual parts for the Permeation measuring cell NW50:

Deckel für Permeationszelle NW50

Upper part for the Permeation measuring cells NW50 with ground sleeve NS14.5 EN 16523-1 (replacement for EN 374-3)

Item No.: 120-0088893

Unterteil für Permeationszelle NW50

Base part for the Permeation measuring cells NW50 with gas inlet and outlet pipes for gaseous collecting media (Aø = 8 mm), EN 16523-1 (replacement for EN 374-3)

Item No.: 120-0088909

Holder made out of Pertinax®(synthetic resin bonded paper) for the Permeation measuring cell NW50 according to EN 16523-1, EN 16523-2 (replacement for EN 374-3), with screws and stand-feet made of aluminum metal

Item No.: 120-0088961

Holder made out of aluminium (instead of Pertinax® (synthetic resin bonded paper)) for the Permeation measuring cell NW50 according to EN 16523-1, EN 16523-2 (replacement for EN 374-3), with screws and stand-feet made of aluminum metal

Item No.: 120-0387842

Einspannvorrichtung aus PTFE mit Folie

PTFE clamping device according to EN 16523-1 (replacement for EN 374-3 and ISO 6529) for the Permeation measuring cell NW50, for clamping foils up to approx. 0.2 mm incl. 3 pcs. O-rings (VQM with FEP sheathed)

Item No.: 120-0649087

PTFE clamping device according to ASTM 1“ ((2.54 cm) for the Permeation measuring cell NW50 according to EN 16523-1 (replacement for EN 374-3), for clamping foils up to approx. 0.3 mm incl. 3 pcs. O-rings (VQM with FEP sheathed)

Item No.: 120-0302722

O-Ringe aus PTFE für NW50 Zelle

O-Ring seal set according to EN 16523-1 ((replacement for EN 374-3), silicone/FEP sheathed, suitable for the PTFE clamping device No. 711982-EN

Item No.: 120-0088879

O-Ring seal set according to ASTM 1“ (2.54 cm) silicone/FEP sheathed, suitable for the PTFE clamping device No. 711982-ASTM

Item No.: 120-0329026

PTFE blind flange for the Permeation Measuring Cell NW50 with 2 x Viton O-Rings for the measurement of reference and test gas (suitable to No. 711981)

Item No.: 120-0088886

PTFE Permeation sample holder for foils with a thickness of 0.2 mm to max. 5 mm as well as foils with textured, strongly embossed surface and/or with seams (of protective gloves/protective clothing) in accordance with EN 16523-1 (replacement for EN 374-3), ID: Ø 50 mm with a perforated plate as a film prop for the LABC-Permeation measuring cell NW50 with 2 pcs. of O-Rings (VQM with FEP sheathed), with a PTFE-Screw ring for sample fixation and a screwing tool made out of PPH.

Item No.: 250-0342773

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